[koh-urs] /koʊˈɜrs/
verb (used with object), coerced, coercing.
to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire or volition:
They coerced him into signing the document.
to bring about through the use of force or other forms of compulsion; exact:
to coerce obedience.
to dominate or control, especially by exploiting fear, anxiety, etc.:
The state is based on successfully coercing the individual.
(transitive) to compel or restrain by force or authority without regard to individual wishes or desires
mid-15c., cohercen, from Middle French cohercer, from Latin coercere “to control, restrain, shut up together,” from com- “together” (see co-) + arcere “to enclose, confine, contain, ward off,” from PIE *ark- “to hold, contain, guard” (see arcane). Related: Coerced; coercing. No record of the word between late 15c. and mid-17c.; its reappearance 1650s is perhaps a back-formation from coercion.
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