[kohn-yak, kon-; French kaw-nyak] /ˈkoʊn yæk, ˈkɒn-; French kɔˈnyak/
(often initial capital letter) the brandy distilled in and shipped from the legally delimited area surrounding the town of Cognac, in W central France.
any French brandy.
any good brandy.
/ˈkɒnjæk; French kɔɲak/
a town in SW France: centre of the district famed for its brandy. Pop: 19 534 (1999)
(sometimes not capital) a high-quality grape brandy
1590s, Coniacke, “wine produced in Cognac,” the region in western France. The sense of “brandy” is 1755, shortened from 17c. cognac brandy, which was distilled from cognac wine. The place name is from Medieval Latin Comniacum, from the personal name Cominius and the Gallo-Roman suffix -acum.
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- Cognate
[kog-neyt] /ˈkɒg neɪt/ adjective 1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc. 2. Linguistics. descended from the same language or form: such cognate languages as French and Spanish. 3. allied or similar in nature or quality. noun 4. a person or thing cognate with another. 5. a cognate word: The English word cold […]
- Cognate-object
noun 1. Grammar. a substantive functioning as the object of a verb, especially of a verb that is usually intransitive, when both object and verb are derived from the same root. Speech in Speak the speech is a cognate object.
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[kog-neyt] /ˈkɒg neɪt/ adjective 1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc. 2. Linguistics. descended from the same language or form: such cognate languages as French and Spanish. 3. allied or similar in nature or quality. noun 4. a person or thing cognate with another. 5. a cognate word: The English word cold […]
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[kog-nuh-zuh ns, kon-uh-] /ˈkɒg nə zəns, ˈkɒn ə-/ noun 1. awareness, realization, or knowledge; notice; perception: The guests took cognizance of the snide remark. 2. Law. 3. the range or scope of knowledge, observation, etc.: Such understanding is beyond his cognizance. 4. Heraldry. a device by which a person or a person’s servants or property […]
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[kog-nuh-zuh nt, ‐suh nt, kon-uh‐] /ˈkɒg nə zənt, ‐sənt, ˈkɒn ə‐/ adjective 1. a frequent misspelling of . adj. alternative spelling of cognizant (q.v.); also see -ize.