[kog-neyt] /ˈkɒg neɪt/
related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc.
Linguistics. descended from the same language or form:
such cognate languages as French and Spanish.
allied or similar in nature or quality.
a person or thing cognate with another.
a cognate word:
The English word cold is a cognate of German kalt.
akin; related: cognate languages
related by blood or descended from a common maternal ancestor Compare agnate
(grammar) cognate object, a noun functioning as the object of a verb to which it is etymologically related, as in think a thought or sing a song
something that is cognate with something else
1640s, from Latin cognatus “of common descent,” from com- “together” (see co-) + gnatus, past participle of gnasci, older form of nasci “to be born” (see genus). Words that are cognates are cousins, not siblings. As a noun, from 1754.
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- Cognate-object
noun 1. Grammar. a substantive functioning as the object of a verb, especially of a verb that is usually intransitive, when both object and verb are derived from the same root. Speech in Speak the speech is a cognate object.
- Cognatic
[kog-neyt] /ˈkɒg neɪt/ adjective 1. related by birth; of the same parentage, descent, etc. 2. Linguistics. descended from the same language or form: such cognate languages as French and Spanish. 3. allied or similar in nature or quality. noun 4. a person or thing cognate with another. 5. a cognate word: The English word cold […]
- Cognisance
[kog-nuh-zuh ns, kon-uh-] /ˈkɒg nə zəns, ˈkɒn ə-/ noun 1. awareness, realization, or knowledge; notice; perception: The guests took cognizance of the snide remark. 2. Law. 3. the range or scope of knowledge, observation, etc.: Such understanding is beyond his cognizance. 4. Heraldry. a device by which a person or a person’s servants or property […]
- Cognisant
[kog-nuh-zuh nt, ‐suh nt, kon-uh‐] /ˈkɒg nə zənt, ‐sənt, ˈkɒn ə‐/ adjective 1. a frequent misspelling of . adj. alternative spelling of cognizant (q.v.); also see -ize.
- Cognise
[kog-nahyz] /ˈkɒg naɪz/ verb (used with object), cognized, cognizing. 1. to perceive; become conscious of; know. /ˈkɒɡnaɪz; kɒɡˈnaɪz/ verb 1. (transitive) to perceive, become aware of, or know v. 1650s, back-formation from cognizance. Related: Cognized; cognizing.