[kog-nuh-zuh nt, ‐suh nt, kon-uh‐] /ˈkɒg nə zənt, ‐sənt, ˈkɒn ə‐/
a frequent misspelling of .
alternative spelling of cognizant (q.v.); also see -ize.
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[kog-nahyz] /ˈkɒg naɪz/ verb (used with object), cognized, cognizing. 1. to perceive; become conscious of; know. /ˈkɒɡnaɪz; kɒɡˈnaɪz/ verb 1. (transitive) to perceive, become aware of, or know v. 1650s, back-formation from cognizance. Related: Cognized; cognizing.
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company A French software company specialising in artificial intelligence. (1995-01-04)
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[kog-nish-uh n] /kɒgˈnɪʃ ən/ noun 1. the act or process of knowing; perception. 2. the product of such a process; something thus known, perceived, etc. 3. . /kɒɡˈnɪʃən/ noun 1. the mental act or process by which knowledge is acquired, including perception, intuition, and reasoning 2. the knowledge that results from such an act or […]
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[kog-ni-tiv] /ˈkɒg nɪ tɪv/ adjective 1. of or relating to ; concerned with the act or process of knowing, perceiving, etc. : cognitive development; cognitive functioning. 2. of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. /ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/ adjective 1. of or relating to cognition […]
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