[kog-noh-muh n] /kɒgˈnoʊ mən/
noun, plural cognomens, cognomina
[kog-nom-uh-nuh] /kɒgˈnɒm ə nə/ (Show IPA)
a surname.
any name, especially a nickname.
the third and commonly the last name of a citizen of ancient Rome, indicating the person’s house or family, as “Caesar” in “Gaius Julius Caesar.”.
Compare (def 1).
noun (pl) -nomens, -nomina (-ˈnɒmɪnə; -ˈnəʊ-)
(originally) an ancient Roman’s third name or nickname, which later became his family name See also agnomen, nomen, praenomen
1809, from Latin com- “with” (see co-) + (g)nomen “name” (see name (n.)). Third or family name of a Roman citizen (Caius Julius Cæsar).
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- Cognoscence
n. mid-15c., from Latin cognoscere “to know” (see cognizance).
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[kon-yuh-shen-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yəˈʃɛn ti, ˌkɒg nə-/ plural noun, singular cognoscente [kon-yuh-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yə ti, ˌkɒg nə-/ (Show IPA) 1. persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular field, especially in the fine arts, literature, and world of fashion. /ˌkɒnjəʊˈʃɛntɪ; ˌkɒɡnəʊ-/ plural noun (sing) -te (-tiː) 1. (sometimes sing) people with informed […]
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[kon-yuh-shen-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yəˈʃɛn ti, ˌkɒg nə-/ plural noun, singular cognoscente [kon-yuh-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yə ti, ˌkɒg nə-/ (Show IPA) 1. persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular field, especially in the fine arts, literature, and world of fashion. /ˌkɒnjəʊˈʃɛntɪ; ˌkɒɡnəʊ-/ plural noun (sing) -te (-tiː) 1. (sometimes sing) people with informed […]
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[kog-nos-uh-buh l] /kɒgˈnɒs ə bəl/ adjective 1. capable of being known.
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[kog-nos-uh-buh l] /kɒgˈnɒs ə bəl/ adjective 1. capable of being known.