[kon-yuh-shen-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yəˈʃɛn ti, ˌkɒg nə-/
plural noun, singular cognoscente
[kon-yuh-tee, kog-nuh-] /ˌkɒn yə ti, ˌkɒg nə-/ (Show IPA)
persons who have superior knowledge and understanding of a particular field, especially in the fine arts, literature, and world of fashion.
/ˌkɒnjəʊˈʃɛntɪ; ˌkɒɡnəʊ-/
plural noun (sing) -te (-tiː)
(sometimes sing) people with informed appreciation of a particular field, esp in the fine arts; connoisseurs
“connoisseur,” 1778, from Italian cognoscente, Latinized from conoscente “connoisseur,” literally “knowing man,” from Latin cognoscentum (nominative cognoscens), present participle of cognoscere “to know” (see cognizance).
plural of cognoscente (q.v.).
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