a locked container or receptacle for holding coins deposited in a pay telephone, pinball machine, turnstile, or other coin-operated machine.
the part of a coin-operated machine into which coins are placed
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- Coin-changer
noun 1. a machine that gives change rapidly, as to a customer, typically operated by a manual keyboard and often used in association with a cash register. 2. a machine that supplies change, as small coins for large or large coins for small, especially for the use of other coin-operated machines.
- Coincide
[koh-in-sahyd] /ˌkoʊ ɪnˈsaɪd/ verb (used without object), coincided, coinciding. 1. to occupy the same place in space, the same point or period in time, or the same relative position: The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided this year. 2. to correspond exactly, as in nature, character, etc.: His vocation coincides with his avocation. […]
- Coincidence
[koh-in-si-duh ns] /koʊˈɪn sɪ dəns/ noun 1. a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance: Our meeting in Venice was pure coincidence. 2. the condition or fact of . 3. an instance of this. /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ noun 1. a chance occurrence of events remarkable either for being simultaneous or […]
- Coincided
[koh-in-sahyd] /ˌkoʊ ɪnˈsaɪd/ verb (used without object), coincided, coinciding. 1. to occupy the same place in space, the same point or period in time, or the same relative position: The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided this year. 2. to correspond exactly, as in nature, character, etc.: His vocation coincides with his avocation. […]
- Coincident
[koh-in-si-duh nt] /koʊˈɪn sɪ dənt/ adjective 1. happening at the same time. 2. ; occupying the same place or position. 3. exactly corresponding. 4. in exact agreement (usually followed by with). /kəʊˈɪnsɪdənt/ adjective 1. having the same position in space or time 2. usually postpositive and foll by with. in exact agreement; consonant adj. late […]