[koh-in-sahyd] /ˌkoʊ ɪnˈsaɪd/
verb (used without object), coincided, coinciding.
to occupy the same place in space, the same point or period in time, or the same relative position:
The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided this year.
to correspond exactly, as in nature, character, etc.:
His vocation coincides with his avocation.
to agree or concur, as in thought or opinion:
Their opinions always coincide.
verb (intransitive)
to occur or exist simultaneously
to be identical in nature, character, etc
to agree
1715, from French coincider (14c.), from Medieval Latin coincidere (in astrological use), literally “to fall upon together,” from Latin com- “together” (see co-) + incidere “to fall upon” (in- “upon + cadere “to fall;” see case (n.1)). Related: Coincided; coinciding.
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