[koin] /kɔɪn/
a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money.
a number of such pieces.
Informal. money; cash:
He’s got plenty of coin in the bank.
Architecture. (defs 1, 2).
Archaic. a corner cupboard of the 18th century.
operated by, or containing machines operated by, inserting a coin or coins into a slot:
a coin laundry.
verb (used with object)
to make (coinage) by stamping metal:
The mint is coining pennies.
to convert (metal) into :
The mint used to coin gold into dollars.
to make; invent; fabricate:
to coin an expression.
Metalworking. to shape the surface of (metal) by squeezing between two dies.
Compare (def 3).
verb (used without object)
British Informal. to counterfeit, especially to make counterfeit money.
coin money, Informal. to make or gain money rapidly:
Those who own stock in that restaurant chain are coining money.
pay someone back in his / her own coin, to reciprocate or behave toward in a like way, especially inamicably; retaliate:
If they persist in teasing you, pay them back in their own coin.
the other side of the coin, the other side, aspect, or point of view; alternative consideration.
a metal disc or piece used as money
metal currency, as opposed to securities, paper currency, etc related adjective nummary
(architect) a variant spelling of quoin
pay a person back in his own coin, to treat a person in the way that he has treated others
the other side of the coin, the opposite view of a matter
(transitive) to make or stamp (coins)
(transitive) to make into a coin
(transitive) to fabricate or invent (words, etc)
(transitive) (informal) to make (money) rapidly (esp in the phrase coin it in)
to coin a phrase, said ironically after one uses a cliché
c.1300, “a wedge,” from Old French coing (12c.) “a wedge; stamp; piece of money; corner, angle,” from Latin cuneus “a wedge.” The die for stamping metal was wedge-shaped, and the English word came to mean “thing stamped, a piece of money” by late 14c. (a sense that already had developed in French). Cf. quoin, which split off from this word 16c. Modern French coin is “corner, angle, nook.” Coins were first struck in western Asia Minor in 7c. B.C.E.; Greek tradition and Herodotus credit the Lydians with being first to make and use coins of silver and gold.
“to coin money,” mid-14c., from coin (n.). Related: Coined; coining. To coin a phrase is late 16c. A Middle English word for minter was coin-smiter.
Money; bread, loot (1870s+)
Before the Exile the Jews had no regularly stamped money. They made use of uncoined shekels or talents of silver, which they weighed out (Gen. 23:16; Ex. 38:24; 2 Sam. 18:12). Probably the silver ingots used in the time of Abraham may have been of a fixed weight, which was in some way indicated on them. The “pieces of silver” paid by Abimelech to Abraham (Gen. 20:16), and those also for which Joseph was sold (37:28), were proably in the form of rings. The shekel was the common standard of weight and value among the Hebrews down to the time of the Captivity. Only once is a shekel of gold mentioned (1 Chr. 21:25). The “six thousand of gold” mentioned in the transaction between Naaman and Gehazi (2 Kings 5:5) were probably so many shekels of gold. The “piece of money” mentioned in Job 42:11; Gen. 33:19 (marg., “lambs”) was the Hebrew _kesitah_, probably an uncoined piece of silver of a certain weight in the form of a sheep or lamb, or perhaps having on it such an impression. The same Hebrew word is used in Josh. 24:32, which is rendered by Wickliffe “an hundred yonge scheep.”
In addition to the idiom beginning with
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