[koh-in-her-i-tuh ns] /ˌkoʊ ɪnˈhɛr ɪ təns/
joint .
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- Coining
[koin] /kɔɪn/ noun 1. a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money. 2. a number of such pieces. 3. Informal. money; cash: He’s got plenty of coin in the bank. 4. Architecture. (defs 1, 2). 5. Archaic. a corner cupboard of the 18th century. adjective 6. […]
- Coin lesion of lungs
coin lesion of lungs n. Any of various solitary, round, circumscribed shadows appearing in radiographic examinations of the lungs that are believed to be caused by tuberculosis, carcinoma, cysts, infarcts, or vascular anomalies.
- Coin-machine
noun 1. (def 2). 2. a coin-operated machine, especially one for dispensing soft drinks, cigarettes, candy, etc.
- Coin-of-the-realm
noun 1. .
- Coin-op
[koin-op-uh-rey-tid] /ˈkɔɪnˌɒp əˌreɪ tɪd/ adjective, Informal. 1. Also, coin-op [koin-op] /ˈkɔɪnˌɒp/ (Show IPA). activated by inserting a coin or coins into a slot: a coin-operated washing machine. noun 2. a coin-operated machine. 3. a place with such machines, especially a self-service laundry. /ˈkɔɪnˌɒp/ noun 1. a launderette or other service installation in which the machines […]