(films) a palette with irregular holes, placed between lighting and camera to prevent glare
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- Coky
[kohk] /koʊk/ Chemistry noun 1. the solid product resulting from the destructive distillation of coal in an oven or closed chamber or by imperfect combustion, consisting principally of carbon: used chiefly as a fuel in metallurgy to reduce metallic oxides to metals. verb (used with or without object), coked, coking. 2. to convert into or […]
- Col
[kol; French kawl] /kɒl; French kɔl/ noun, plural cols [kolz; French kawl] /kɒlz; French kɔl/ (Show IPA) 1. Physical Geography. a pass or depression in a mountain range or ridge. 2. Meteorology. the region of relatively low pressure between two anticyclones. 1. cost of living. 1. variant of before l: collateral. 1. variant of before […]
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[koh-luh] /ˈkoʊ lə/ noun 1. a carbonated soft drink containing an extract made from kola nuts, together with sweeteners and other flavorings. [koh-luh] /ˈkoʊ lə/ noun 1. a plural of 1 . [koh-luh] /ˈkoʊ lə/ noun 1. a plural of 2 . [koh-luh] /ˈkoʊ lə/ noun 1. cost-of-living adjustment: an escalator clause, especially in union […]
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[kol-uh-koh-bahy-oh-sis] /ˌkɒl ə koʊ baɪˈoʊ sɪs/ noun, plural colacobioses [kol-uh-koh-bahy-oh-seez] /ˌkɒl ə koʊ baɪˈoʊ siz/ (Show IPA) 1. (among social insects) life in which one species lives as a parasite in the community of another species.
- Colada
[koh-lah-duh] /koʊˈlɑ də/ noun 1. . 2. a tall mixed drink of rum, cream of coconut, ice, and fruit or fruit juice, usually mixed in a blender and served with a fruit garnish: banana colada; strawberry colada.