Coldfusion markup language
World-Wide Web, database, tool
Allaire Corporation’s commercial database application development tool that allows databases to have a World-Wide Web interface, so a database can be queried and updated using a web browser.
The ColdFusion Server application runs on the web server and has access to a database. ColdFusion files on the web server are HTML pages with additional ColdFusion commands to query or update the database, written in CFML. When the page is requested by the user, the web server passes the page to the Cold Fusion application, which executes the CFML commands, places the results of the CFML commands in the HTML file, and returns the page to the web server. The page returned to the web server is now an ordinary HTML file, and it is sent to the user.
Examples of ColdFusion applications include order entry, event registration, catalogue search, directories, calendars, and interactive training. ColdFusion applications are robust because all database interactions are encapsulated in a single industrial-strength CGI script. The formatting and presentation can be modified and revised at any time (as opposed to having to edit and recompile source code).
ColdFusion Server can connect with any database that supports ODBC or OLE DB or one that has a native database driver. Native database drivers are available for Oracle and Sybase databases.
ColdFusion is available for Windows, Solaris, and HP-UX. A development environment for creating ColdFusion files, called ColdFusion Studio, is also available for Windows.
Latest version: MX(6), as of 2003-07-11.
The filename extension for ColdFusion files is .cfm
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- Cold-harbor
noun 1. a locality in Virginia, NE of Richmond: Civil War battle in 1864.
- Cold haul
verb phrase (also cold haul it) To leave; depart; haul ass: He cold hauled it! (1940s+ Black)
- Cold-hearted
[kohld-hahr-tid] /ˈkoʊldˈhɑr tɪd/ adjective 1. lacking sympathy or feeling; indifferent; unkind. adjective 1. lacking in feeling or warmth; unkind adj. c.1600, from cold (adj.) + hearted. Originally in Shakespeare. Old English had cealdheort (adj.) “cruel.”
- Coldie
/ˈkəʊldɪ/ noun 1. (Austral, slang) a cold can or bottle of beer
- Colditz
/ˈkəʊldɪts/ noun 1. a town in E Germany, on the River Mulde: during World War II its castle was used as a top-security camp for Allied prisoners of war; many daring escape attempts, some successful, were made