
[kol-uh m] /ˈkɒl əm/


any columnlike object, mass, or formation:
a column of smoke.
a vertical row or list:
Add this column of figures.
a vertical arrangement on a page of horizontal lines of type, usually typographically justified:
There are three columns on this page.
a regular feature or series of articles in a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually having a readily identifiable heading and the byline of the writer or editor, that reports or comments upon a particular field of interest, as politics, theater, or etiquette, or which may contain letters from readers, answers to readers’ queries, etc.
a long, narrow formation of troops in which there are more members in line in the direction of movement than at right angles to the direction (distinguished from 1 (def 35.)).
a formation of ships in single file.
Botany. a columnlike structure in an orchid flower, composed of the united stamens and style.
an upright post or pillar usually having a cylindrical shaft, a base, and a capital

a row, line, or file, as of people in a queue
(military) a narrow formation in which individuals or units follow one behind the other

a vertical array of numbers or mathematical terms
(botany) a long structure in a flower, such as that of an orchid, consisting of the united stamens and style
(anatomy, zoology) any elongated structure, such as a tract of grey matter in the spinal cord or the stalk of a crinoid

mid-15c., “vertical division of a page,” also “a pillar, post,” from Old French colombe (12c., Modern French colonne “column, pillar”), from Latin columna “pillar,” collateral form of columen “top, summit,” from PIE root *kel- “to project” (see hill). Sense of “matter written for a newspaper” dates from 1785.

column col·umn (kŏl’əm)
Any of various tubular or pillarlike supporting structures in the body, such as the spinal column, each generally having a single tissue origin and function.

1. A named slice through a database table that includes the same field of each row. For example, a telephone directory table might have a row for each person with a name column and a telephone number column.
2. A line of memory cells in a dynamic random-access memory, that is selected by a particular column address.

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