Compiled language

compiled language
See under programming language.

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  • Compiler

    [kuh m-pahy-ler] /kəmˈpaɪ lər/ noun 1. a person who . 2. Also called compiling routine. Computers. a computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language into another language, usually machine language. Compare (def 3a). /kəmˈpaɪlə/ noun 1. a person who collects or compiles something 2. a computer program by which a high-level […]

  • Compiler and generalized translator

    language (COGENT) A compiler writing language with pattern-directed string and list processing features, for CDC 3600 and CDC 3800. A COGENT program consists of productions defining a context-free language, plus analysis and synthesis function generators. [“COGENT Programming Manual”, J.C. Reynolds, ANL-7022, Argonne, Mar 1965]. [Sammet 1969, p.638]. [“An Introduction to the COGENT System”, J.C. Reynolds, […]

  • Compiler-compiler

    An early compiler generator for the Atlas, with its own distinctive input language. [“The Compiler-Compiler”, R.A. Brooker et al, Ann Rev Automatic Programming 3:229-275, Pergamon 1963]. (1994-10-24) A utility to generate the source code of a parser, interpreter or compiler from an annotated language description (usually in BNF). Most so called compiler-compilers are really just […]

  • Compiler jock

    A programmer who specialises in writing compilers. [Jargon File] (1995-01-19)

  • Compiler target language

    (CTL) The intermediate language used by the ALICE parallel machine. [“The Design and Implementation of ALICE: A Parallel Graph Reduction Machine”, M.D. Cripps et al, Proc Workshop on Graph Reduction, Springer 1987]. (1994-11-14)

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