Concession stand
a permanent or semi-permanent structure from which food items are sold during an athletic or entertainment event; also, the business of running such a stand
The Little League mothers took turns running the concession stand.
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[kuh n-ses-iv] /kənˈsɛs ɪv/ adjective 1. tending or serving to . 2. Grammar. expressing , as the English conjunction though. /kənˈsɛsɪv/ adjective 1. implying or involving concession; tending to concede 2. (grammar) a conjunction, preposition, phrase, or clause describing a state of affairs that might have been expected to rule out what is described in […]
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[kong-kuh] /ˈkɒŋ kə/ noun, plural conchae [kong-kee] /ˈkɒŋ ki/ (Show IPA) 1. Anatomy. 2. Architecture. (def 5). [kong-kuh] /ˈkɒŋ kə/ noun, plural conchae [kong-kee] /ˈkɒŋ ki/ (Show IPA) 1. a disk, traditionally of hammered silver and resembling a shell or flower, used as decoration on belts, harness, etc. /ˈkɒŋkə/ noun (pl) -chae (-kiː) 1. any […]