[kuh n-sin-uh s] /kənˈsɪn əs/
characterized by concinnity; elegant; harmonious; stylistically congruous.
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- Concise
[kuh n-sahys] /kənˈsaɪs/ adjective 1. expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse: a concise explanation of the company’s retirement plan. /kənˈsaɪs/ adjective 1. expressing much in few words; brief and to the point adj. 1580s, from Latin concisus “cut off, brief,” past participle of concidere “to […]
- Conciseness
[kuh n-sahys-nis] /kənˈsaɪs nɪs/ noun 1. the quality of being . n. “expression of much in few words,” 1650s, from concise + -ness. [Conciseness] is the English word familiar to the ordinary man: concision is the LITERARY CRITIC’S WORD, more recent in English, used by writers under French influence & often requiring the reader to […]
- Concisely
[kuh n-sahys] /kənˈsaɪs/ adjective 1. expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse: a concise explanation of the company’s retirement plan. /kənˈsaɪs/ adjective 1. expressing much in few words; brief and to the point adj. 1580s, from Latin concisus “cut off, brief,” past participle of concidere “to […]
- Concision
[kuh n-sizh-uh n] /kənˈsɪʒ ən/ noun 1. quality; brevity; terseness. 2. Archaic. a cutting up or off; mutilation. /kənˈsɪʒən/ noun 1. the quality of being concise; brevity; terseness n. late 14c., “cutting away, mutilation,” also, from 16c., “circumcision,” from Latin concisionem “a separation into divisions,” literally “a cutting up,” noun of action from past participle […]
- Concl.