[kon-uh-tey-tiv, kuh-noh-tuh-] /ˈkɒn əˌteɪ tɪv, kəˈnoʊ tə-/
(of a word or expression) signifying or suggestive of an associative or secondary meaning in addition to the primary meaning:
A connotative word such as “steely” would never be used when referring to a woman.
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[kon-uh-tey-shuh n] /ˌkɒn əˈteɪ ʃən/ noun 1. 2. something suggested or implied by a word or thing, rather than being explicitly named or described: “Religion” has always had a negative connotation for me. 3. Logic. the set of attributes constituting the meaning of a term and thus determining the range of objects to which that […]
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[kuh-noht] /kəˈnoʊt/ verb (used with object), connoted, connoting. 1. to signify or suggest (certain meanings, ideas, etc.) in addition to the explicit or primary meaning: The word “fireplace” often connotes hospitality, warm comfort, etc. 2. to involve as a condition or accompaniment: Injury connotes pain. verb (used without object), connoted, connoting. 3. to have significance […]
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[kuh-noht] /kəˈnoʊt/ verb (used with object), connoted, connoting. 1. to signify or suggest (certain meanings, ideas, etc.) in addition to the explicit or primary meaning: The word “fireplace” often connotes hospitality, warm comfort, etc. 2. to involve as a condition or accompaniment: Injury connotes pain. verb (used without object), connoted, connoting. 3. to have significance […]
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