
[kon-ster] /ˈkɒn stər/

verb (used with or without object), Obsolete.

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    [kuh n-sahyn] /kənˈsaɪn/ verb (used with object) 1. to hand over or deliver formally or officially; commit (often followed by to). 2. to transfer to another’s custody or charge; entrust. 3. to set apart for or devote to (a special purpose or use): to consign two afternoons a week to the club. 4. to banish […]

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    [kuh n-sahyn] /kənˈsaɪn/ verb (used with object) 1. to hand over or deliver formally or officially; commit (often followed by to). 2. to transfer to another’s custody or charge; entrust. 3. to set apart for or devote to (a special purpose or use): to consign two afternoons a week to the club. 4. to banish […]

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