Constitutional democracy
a system of government based on popular sovereignty in which the structures, powers, and limits of government are set forth in a constitution
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- Constitutional-democratic-party
noun 1. a former Russian political party that advocated a right-wing policy in foreign and domestic affairs.
- Constitutional disease
constitutional disease n. A disease involving the entire body or having a widespread array of symptoms.
- Constitutionality
[kon-sti-too-shuh-nal-i-tee, -tyoo-] /ˌkɒn stɪˌtu ʃəˈnæl ɪ ti, -ˌtyu-/ noun 1. the quality of being . 2. accordance with the constitution of a country, state, etc. /ˌkɒnstɪˌtjuːʃəˈnælɪtɪ/ noun 1. the quality or state of being in accord with a constitution n. 1787, “quality of being in accord with a constitution,” from constitutional (adj.) + -ity.
- Constitutionalize
[kon-sti-too-shuh-nl-ahyz, -tyoo-] /ˌkɒn stɪˈtu ʃə nlˌaɪz, -ˈtyu-/ verb (used with object), constitutionalized, constitutionalizing. 1. to incorporate in a ; make . 2. to provide a constitution for.
- Constitutional-law
noun 1. the body of law that evolves from a , setting out the fundamental principles according to which a state is governed and defining the relationship between the various branches of government within the state.