[kon-tn-oo-i-tee, -tn-yoo] /ˌkɒn tnˈu ɪ ti, -tnˈyu/
noun, plural continuities.
the state or quality of being .
a or connected whole.
a motion-picture scenario giving the complete action, scenes, etc., in detail and in the order in which they are to be shown on the screen.
the spoken part of a radio or television script that serves as introductory or transitional material on a nondramatic program.
Mathematics. the property of a .
Usually, continuities. sets of merchandise, as dinnerware or encyclopedias, given free or sold cheaply by a store to shoppers as a sales promotion.
noun (pl) -ties
logical sequence, cohesion, or connection
a continuous or connected whole
the comprehensive script or scenario of detail and movement in a film or broadcast
the continuous projection of a film, using automatic rewind
early 15c., from Middle French continuité, from Latin continuitatem (nominative continuitas), from continuus (see continue). Cinematographic sense is recorded from 1921, American English.
continuity con·ti·nu·i·ty (kŏn’tə-nōō’ĭ-tē, -nyōō’-)
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