Continuous creation
the theory that matter is being created continuously in the universe See steady-state theory
the theory that animate matter is being continuously created from inanimate matter
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- Continuous-expansion engine
[kuh n-tin-yoo-uh s-ik-span-shuh n] /kənˈtɪn yu əs ɪkˈspæn ʃən/ noun 1. a steam engine in which a high-pressure cylinder is partly exhausted into a low-pressure cylinder during each stroke.
- Continuous-form
[kuh n-tin-yoo-uh s-fawrm] /kənˈtɪn yu əsˌfɔrm/ adjective 1. of or relating to paper, blank forms, checks, etc., supplied in a folded stack or roll to a device, as a computer printer, generally with perforations between sheets for later separation and often with detachable punched edges used to advance the sheets through the device.
- Continuous-function
noun, Mathematics. 1. (loosely) a mathematical function such that a small change in the independent variable, or point of the domain, produces only a small change in the value of the function. 2. (at a point in its domain) a function that has a limit equal to the value of the function at the point; […]
- Continuous-hinge
noun 1. . noun 1. a long narrow hinge that runs the full length of the two surfaces to which its leaves are joined.
- Continuously
[kuh n-tin-yoo-uh s] /kənˈtɪn yu əs/ adjective 1. uninterrupted in time; without cessation: continuous coughing during the concert. 2. being in immediate connection or spatial relationship: a continuous series of blasts; a continuous row of warehouses. 3. Grammar. (def 7). /kənˈtɪnjʊəs/ adjective 1. prolonged without interruption; unceasing: a continuous noise 2. in an unbroken series […]