
[kon-toh; Portuguese kawn-too] /ˈkɒn toʊ; Portuguese ˈkɔn tʊ/

noun, plural contos
[kon-tohz; in Portugal kawn-too sh; in Brazil kawn-too s] /ˈkɒn toʊz; in Portugal ˈkɔn tʊʃ; in Brazil ˈkɔn tʊs/ (Show IPA)
a money of account of Portugal and Cape Verde, equal to 1000 escudos.
a former money of account in Portugal and Brazil equal to 1000 milreis.
/ˈkɒntəʊ; Portuguese ˈkõːtu/
noun (pl) -tos (-təʊz; Portuguese) (-tuʃ)
a former Portuguese monetary unit worth 1000 escudos
an unofficial Brazilian monetary unit worth 1000 cruzeiros (now replaced by the real)

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