
[kon-truh-band] /ˈkɒn trəˌbænd/

anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported.
goods imported or exported illegally.
illegal or prohibited trade; smuggling.
International Law. .
(during the American Civil War) a black slave who escaped to or was brought within the Union lines.
prohibited from export or import.

illegal traffic in such goods; smuggling
(international law) Also called contraband of war. goods that a neutral country may not supply to a belligerent
(during the American Civil War) a Black slave captured by the Union forces or one who escaped to the Union lines
(of goods)


1520s, “smuggling;” 1590s, “smuggled goods;” from Middle French contrebande “a smuggling,” from older Italian contrabando (modern contrabbando) “unlawful dealing,” from Latin contra “against” (see contra) + Medieval Latin bannum, from Frankish *ban “a command” or some other Germanic source (see ban (v.)).

Goods illegally transported across borders to avoid the payment of taxes.

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