furniture designed and manufactured for commercial installation, as in offices, waiting rooms, or lobbies.
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- Contractibility
[noun, adjective, verb 15–17, 21, 22 kon-trakt; verb kuh n-trakt] /noun, adjective, verb 15–17, 21, 22 ˈkɒn trækt; verb kənˈtrækt/ noun 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. 2. an agreement enforceable by law. 3. the written form of such an agreement. 4. the division […]
- Contractible
[noun, adjective, verb 15–17, 21, 22 kon-trakt; verb kuh n-trakt] /noun, adjective, verb 15–17, 21, 22 ˈkɒn trækt; verb kənˈtrækt/ noun 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. 2. an agreement enforceable by law. 3. the written form of such an agreement. 4. the division […]
- Contractile
[kuh n-trak-tl, -til] /kənˈtræk tl, -tɪl/ adjective 1. capable of or causing contraction. /kənˈtræktaɪl/ adjective 1. having the power to contract or to cause contraction adj. 1706, from French contractile, from Latin contract-, past participle stem of contrahere (see contract (n.)). Related: Contractility. Contractile vacuole is from 1877. contractile con·trac·tile (kən-trāk’təl, -tīl’) adj. Capable of […]
- Contractile-vacuole
noun, Cell Biology. 1. a membrane-enveloped cellular organelle, found in many microorganisms, that periodically expands, filling with water, and then contracts, expelling its contents to the cell exterior: thought to be important in maintaining hydrostatic equilibrium.
- Contractility
[kuh n-trak-tl, -til] /kənˈtræk tl, -tɪl/ adjective 1. capable of or causing contraction. /kənˈtræktaɪl/ adjective 1. having the power to contract or to cause contraction adj. 1706, from French contractile, from Latin contract-, past participle stem of contrahere (see contract (n.)). Related: Contractility. Contractile vacuole is from 1877. contractile con·trac·tile (kən-trāk’təl, -tīl’) adj. Capable of […]