
[kon-truh-in-di-keyt] /ˌkɒn trəˈɪn dɪˌkeɪt/

verb (used with object), contraindicated, contraindicating. Medicine/Medical.
(of a symptom or condition) to give indication against the advisability of (a particular or usual remedy or treatment).
(transitive; usually passive) (med) to advise against or indicate the possible danger of (a drug, treatment, etc)

1660s, from contra- + indicate. Related: Contraindicated; contraindication (1620s).

contraindication con·tra·in·di·ca·tion (kŏn’trə-ĭn’dĭ-kā’shən)
A factor that renders the administration of a drug or the carrying out of a medical procedure inadvisable.

contraindicate con·tra·in·di·cate (kŏn’trə-ĭn’dĭ-kāt’)
v. con·tra·in·di·cat·ed, con·tra·in·di·cat·ing, con·tra·in·di·cates
To indicate the inadvisability of something, such as a medical treatment.

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