
[kuh n-veen] /kənˈvin/

verb (used without object), convened, convening.
to come together or assemble, usually for some public purpose.
verb (used with object), convened, convening.
to cause to assemble; convoke.
to summon to appear, as before a judicial officer.
a person who convenes or chairs a meeting, committee, etc, esp one who is specifically elected to do so: a convener of shop stewards
the chairman and civic head of certain Scottish councils Compare provost (sense 3)
to gather, call together, or summon, esp for a formal meeting
(transitive) to order to appear before a court of law, judge, tribunal, etc

early 15c., from Middle French convenir “to suit, agree,” from Latin convenire “unite, be suitable, agree, assemble,” from com- “together” (see com-) + venire “to come” (see venue). Related: Convened; convener; convening.

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