
[verb kon-voi, kuh n-voi; noun kon-voi] /verb ˈkɒn vɔɪ, kənˈvɔɪ; noun ˈkɒn vɔɪ/

verb (used with object)
to accompany or escort, usually for protection:
A destroyer convoyed the merchant ship.
the act of convoying.
the protection provided by an escort.
a ship, fleet, group of vehicles, etc., accompanied by a protecting escort.
an armed force, warship, etc., that escorts, especially for protection.
any group of military vehicles traveling together under the same orders.
Citizens Band Radio Slang. two or more CB-equipped vehicles traveling together.
a group of merchant ships with an escort of warships
a group of land vehicles assembled to travel together
the act of travelling or escorting by convoy (esp in the phrase in convoy)
(transitive) to escort while in transit

early 16c., “the act of guiding or escorting for protection,” from convoy (v.), late 14c., from Old French convoier, from Vulgar Latin *conviare, literally “go together on the road” (see convey). The meaning “train of ships or wagons carrying munitions or provisions in wartime under protection of escort” is from c.1600.

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