
[kop-ee-kat] /ˈkɒp iˌkæt/

noun, Also, copy cat
a person or thing that copies, imitates, mimics, or follows the lead of another, as a child who says or does exactly the same as another child.
imitating or repeating a recent, well-known occurrence:
a copycat murder.
verb (used with object), copycatted, copycatting.
to imitate or mimic:
new domestic wines that copycat the expensive imports.
to copy slavishly; reproduce:
The clothes were copycatted straight from designer originals.


by 1884, American English, probably at least a generation older, from copy (v.) + cat (n.). As a verb, from 1932.


: a copycat inventor/ copycat crime



: Sally traps her there, and copycats the first murder, gore and all (1930s+)

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