
[kawr-uh-kuh l, kor-] /ˈkɔr ə kəl, ˈkɒr-/

a small, round, or very broad boat made of wickerwork or interwoven laths covered with a waterproof layer of animal skin, canvas, tarred or oiled cloth, or the like: used in Wales, Ireland, and parts of western England.
a small roundish boat made of waterproofed hides stretched over a wicker frame

“round boat of wicker, coated with skins,” 1540s (the thing is described, but not named, in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from 9c.), from Welsh corwgl, from corwg, cognate with Gaelic curachan, Middle Irish curach “boat,” which probably is the source of Middle English currock “coracle” (mid-15c.). The name is perhaps from the hides that cover it (see corium).

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