
[verb kawr-uh-geyt, kor-; adjective kawr-uh-git, -geyt, kor-] /verb ˈkɔr əˌgeɪt, ˈkɒr-; adjective ˈkɔr ə gɪt, -ˌgeɪt, ˈkɒr-/

verb (used with object), corrugated, corrugating.
to draw or bend into folds or alternate furrows and ridges.
to wrinkle, as the skin or face.
Western U.S. to make irrigation ditches in (a field).
verb (used without object), corrugated, corrugating.
to become corrugated; undergo .
corrugated; wrinkled; furrowed.
a muscle whose contraction causes wrinkling of the brow
verb (ˈkɒrʊˌɡeɪt)
(usually transitive) to fold or be folded into alternate furrows and ridges
adjective (ˈkɒrʊɡɪt; -ˌɡeɪt)
folded into furrows and ridges; wrinkled

1620s; implied earlier as a past participle adjective (early 15c.), from Latin corrugatus, past participle of corrugare “to wrinkle very much,” from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + rugare “to wrinkle,” of unknown origin.

corrugator cor·ru·ga·tor (kôr’ə-gā’tər)
A muscle that draws the skin together, causing it to wrinkle.

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