
[kawr-teks] /ˈkɔr tɛks/

noun, plural cortices
[kawr-tuh-seez] /ˈkɔr təˌsiz/ (Show IPA)
Anatomy, Zoology.


Mycology. the surface tissue layer of a fungus or lichen, composed of massed hyphal cells.
noun (pl) -tices (-tɪˌsiːz)
(anatomy) the outer layer of any organ or part, such as the grey matter in the brain that covers the cerebrum (cerebral cortex) or the outer part of the kidney (renal cortex)


1650s, “outer shell, husk,” from Latin cortex “bark of a tree” (see corium). Specifically of the brain, first recorded 1741.

cortex cor·tex (kôr’těks’)
n. pl. cor·tex·es or cor·ti·ces (-tĭ-sēz’)


An experimental slow controls project at CERN.

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