
[reyd] /reɪd/

a sudden assault or attack, as upon something to be seized or suppressed:
a police raid on a gambling ring.
Military. a sudden attack on the enemy, as by air or by a small land force.
a vigorous, large-scale effort to lure away a competitor’s employees, members, etc.
Finance. a concerted attempt of speculators to force stock prices down.
verb (used with object)
to make a raid on.
to steal from; loot:
a worry that the investment fund is being raided.
to entice away from another:
Large companies are raiding key personnel from smaller companies.
to indulge oneself by taking from, especially in order to eat:
raiding the cookie jar.
verb (used without object)
to engage in a raid.
a sudden surprise attack: an air raid
a surprise visit by police searching for criminals or illicit goods: a fraud-squad raid
See also bear raid, dawn raid
to make a raid against (a person, thing, etc)
to sneak into (a place) in order to take something, steal, etc: raiding the larder

early 15c., “mounted military expedition,” Scottish and northern English form of rade “a riding, journey,” from Old English rad “a riding, ride, expedition, journey; raid,” (see road). The word died out by 17c., but was revived by Scott (“The Lay of the Last Minstrel,” 1805), (“Rob Roy,” 1818), with extended sense of “attack, foray.”

“take part in a raid,” 1785 (implied in raiding), from raid (n.). Related: Raided; raiding. Cf. raider.
redundant array of inexpensive disks

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