
[kur-tee-uh s] /ˈkɜr ti əs/

having or showing good manners; polite.
polite and considerate in manner

mid-14c., earlier curteis (c.1300), from Old French curteis (Modern French courtois) “having courtly bearing or manners,” from curt “court” (see court (n.)) + -eis, from Latin -ensis.

Rare before c.1500. In feudal society, also denoting a man of good education (hence the name Curtis). Medieval courts were associated with good behavior and also beauty; e.g. German hübsch “beautiful,” from Middle High German hübesch “beautiful,” originally “courteous, well-bred,” from Old Franconian hofesch, from hof “court.” Related: Courteously (mid-14c., kurteis-liche).

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