
[koi] /kɔɪ/

adjective, coyer, coyest.
artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant; coquettish.
shy; modest.
showing reluctance, especially when insincere or affected, to reveal one’s plans or opinions, make a commitment, or take a stand:
The mayor was coy about his future political aspirations.
Archaic. disdainful; aloof.
Obsolete. quiet; reserved.
verb (used without object)
Archaic. to act in a coy manner.
verb (used with object), Obsolete.
to quiet; soothe.
to pat; caress.
(usually of a woman) affectedly demure, esp in a playful or provocative manner
shy; modest
evasive, esp in an annoying way

early 14c., “quiet, modest, demure,” from Old French coi, earlier quei “quiet, still, placid, gentle,” ultimately from Latin quietus “resting, at rest” (see quiet (n.)). Meaning “shy” emerged late 14c. Meaning “unwilling to commit” is 1961. Related: Coyly; coyness.

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