
[kruhm-puh l] /ˈkrʌm pəl/

verb (used with object), crumpled, crumpling.
to press or crush into irregular folds or into a compact mass; bend out of shape; rumple; wrinkle.
to cause to collapse or give way suddenly:
That right hook to the midsection crumpled him.
verb (used without object), crumpled, crumpling.
to contract into wrinkles; shrink; shrivel.
to give way suddenly; collapse:
The bridge crumpled under the weight of the heavy trucks.
an irregular fold or wrinkle produced by crumpling.
when intr, often foll by up. to collapse or cause to collapse: his courage crumpled
when tr, often foll by up. to crush or cause to be crushed so as to form wrinkles or creases
(intransitive) to shrink; shrivel
a loose crease or wrinkle

c.1300, crumplen, frequentative of crumpen “to curl up” (from Old English crump “bent, crooked”). Related: Crumpled; crumpling.

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