
[kruhs, kroos] /krʌs, krus/

noun, plural crura
[kroo r-uh] /ˈkrʊər ə/ (Show IPA). Anatomy, Zoology.
the part of the leg or hind limb between the femur or thigh and the ankle or tarsus; shank.
a limb or process, as of a bone or other structure.
any of various parts likened to a leg or to a pair of legs.
[kroo; French kry] /kru; French krü/
noun, plural crus
[krooz; French kry] /kruz; French krü/ (Show IPA)
(in France) a vineyard producing wine of high quality, sometimes classified by the government as either a Great Growth (Grand Cru) or a First Growth (Premier Cru)
noun (pl) crura (ˈkrʊərə)
(anatomy) the leg, esp from the knee to the foot
(usually pl) leglike parts or structures
/kruː; French kry/
(winemaking) (in France) a vineyard, group of vineyards, or wine-producing region

from French cru “vineyard,” literally “growth” (16c.), from Old French crois (12c.; Modern French croît), from croiss-, stem of croistre “growth, augment, increase,” ultimately from Latin crescere “come forth, spring up, grow, thrive” (see crescent).

crus (krōōs, krŭs)
n. pl. cru·ra (krur’ə)

Crux (constellation)

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