wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal:
a dedicated artist.
set apart or reserved for a specific use or purpose:
We don’t need a computer but a dedicated word processor.
(of machine parts, electrical components, hardware, etc.) made or designed to interconnect exclusively with one model or a limited range of models in a manufacturer’s line:
The new tractors use only high-priced dedicated accessories.
verb (used with object), dedicated, dedicating.
to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose:
The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.
to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose:
He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.
to offer formally (a book, piece of music, etc.) to a person, cause, or the like in testimony of affection or respect, as on a prefatory page.
(loosely) to inscribe a personal signature on (a book, drawing, etc., that is one’s own work), usually with a salutation addressing the recipient.
to mark the official completion or opening of (a public building, monument, highway, etc.), usually by formal ceremonies.
to set aside for or assign to a specific function, task, or purpose:
The county health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.
devoted to a particular purpose or cause: a dedicated man
assigned or allocated to a particular project, function, etc: a dedicated transmission line, dedicated parking space
(computing) designed to fulfil one function: a dedicated microprocessor
verb (transitive)
(often foll by to) to devote (oneself, one’s time, etc) wholly to a special purpose or cause; commit wholeheartedly or unreservedly
(foll by to) to address or inscribe (a book, artistic performance, etc) to a person, cause, etc as a token of affection or respect
(foll by to) to request or play (a record) on radio for another person as a greeting
to assign or allocate to a particular project, function, etc
to set apart for a deity or for sacred uses; consecrate
an archaic word for dedicated
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