based on deduction from accepted premises, as in deductive argument; deductive reasoning.
of or relating to deduction: deductive reasoning
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- Deed
noun 1. something that is done, performed, or accomplished; an act: Do a good deed every day. 2. an exploit or achievement; feat: brave deeds. 3. Often, deeds. an act or gesture, especially as illustrative of intentions, one’s character, or the like: Her deeds speak for themselves. 4. Law. a writing or document executed under […]
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adjective, deeper, deepest. 1. extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep valley. 2. extending far in or back from the front or from an edge, surface, opening, etc., considered as the front: a deep shelf. 3. extending far in width; broad: deep lace; a deep border. 4. ranging far […]
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verb (used with or without object) 1. to make or become deep or deeper: Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened. The shadows deepened toward late afternoon. 2. Meteorology. to decrease in atmospheric pressure: a deepening cyclone. verb 1. to make or become deep, deeper, or more […]
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adjective, deeper, deepest. 1. extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep valley. 2. extending far in or back from the front or from an edge, surface, opening, etc., considered as the front: a deep shelf. 3. extending far in width; broad: deep lace; a deep border. 4. ranging far […]
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verb (used with object), defaced, defacing. 1. to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure: to deface a wall by writing on it. 2. to efface, obliterate, or injure the surface of, as to make illegible or invalid: to deface a bond. verb 1. (transitive) to spoil or mar the surface, legibility, or appearance of; […]