verb (used with object)
to overcome in a contest, election, battle, etc.; prevail over; vanquish:
They defeated the enemy. She defeated her brother at tennis.
to frustrate; thwart.
to eliminate or deprive of something expected:
The early returns defeated his hopes of election.
Law. to annul.
the act of overcoming in a contest:
an overwhelming defeat of all opposition.
an instance of defeat; setback:
He considered his defeat a personal affront.
an overthrow or overturning; vanquishment:
the defeat of a government.
a bringing to naught; frustration:
the defeat of all his hopes and dreams.
the act or event of being bested; losing:
Defeat is not something she abides easily.
Archaic. undoing; destruction; ruin.
verb (transitive)
to overcome in a contest or competition; win a victory over
to thwart or frustrate: this accident has defeated all his hopes of winning
(law) to render null and void; annul
the act of defeating or state of being defeated
an instance of defeat
overthrow or destruction
(law) an annulment
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