Dynamic scoping

dynamic scope

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  • Dynamic scope

    language In a dynamically scoped language, e.g. most versions of Lisp, an identifier can be referred to, not only in the block where it is declared, but also in any function or procedure called from within that block, even if the called procedure is declared outside the block. This can be implemented as a simple […]

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  • Dynamic link

    compiler A pointer from an activation record to the activation record for the scope from which the current scope was called at run time. This is used in a statically scoped language to restore the environment pointer on exit from a scope. To access a non-local variable in a dynamically scoped language, dynamic links are […]

  • Dynamic language

    language (Dylan) A simple object-oriented Lisp dialect, most closely resembling CLOS and Scheme, developed by Advanced Technology Group East at Apple Computer. Thomas is a Dylan compiler implemented in Scheme. See also Marlais. [“Dylan(TM) an Object-Oriented Dynamic Language”, Apple Computer, Eastern Research and Technology, April 1992]. (1995-04-19)

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