
[dis-uh n-ter-ee] /ˈdɪs ənˌtɛr i/

Pathology. an infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic.
infection of the intestine with bacteria or amoebae, marked chiefly by severe diarrhoea with the passage of mucus and blood

late 14c., dissenterie, from Old French disentere (13c.), from Latin dysenteria, from Greek dysenteria, coined by Hippocrates, from dys- “bad, abnormal, difficult” (see dys-) + entera “intestines, bowels” (see inter-). Related: Dysenteric.

dysentery dys·en·ter·y (dĭs’ən-těr’ē)
An inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract, usually caused by a bacterial, parasitic, or protozoan infection and resulting in pain, fever, and severe diarrhea, often accompanied by the passage of blood and mucus.
dys’en·ter’ic adj.
A gastrointestinal disease characterized by severe, often bloody diarrhea, usually caused by infection with bacteria or parasites.
dysentery [(dis-uhn-ter-ee)]

A painful disease of the intestines characterized by inflammation and diarrhea. Dysentery may be caused by bacteria or viruses, or may occur as the result of infestation by an amoeba.

Note: Dysentery can be transmitted by contact with water or food that has been contaminated by human waste. Public health and sanitation procedures in developed countries, however, have largely eliminated this means of transmission.

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