[ee-ri-kroot-muh nt] /ˈi rɪˌkrɒɒt mənt/
the practice of using Internet or electronic resources to recruit new employees, as by searching online résumé databases.
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[er-in] /ˈɛr ɪn/ noun 1. Literary. . 2. a female given name. /ˈɪərɪn; ˈɛərɪn/ noun 1. an archaic or poetic name for Ireland ancient name of Ireland, from Old English Erinn, dative of Eriu “Ireland” (see Irish). As a girl’s name in U.S., rare before 1954, popular 1976-1985.
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/ˈɛrɪksən/ noun 1. Sven-Goran (ˈsfɛnˈɡɜːrən). born 1948, Swedish football manager; honours as a club manager include the UEFA Cup (1982) with Gothenburg, three Portuguese league titles with Benfica (1983, 1984, 1990), and the Italian league with Lazio (2000); head coach of the England national team (2001–06)
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[er-uh-ney-shuh s] /ˌɛr əˈneɪ ʃəs/ adjective, Zoology. 1. of the hedgehog kind or family. /ˌɛrɪˈneɪʃəs/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or resembling hedgehogs
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/ɪˈrɪŋɡəʊ/ noun (pl) -goes, -gos 1. a variant spelling of eryngo