
[ih-feys] /ɪˈfeɪs/

verb (used with object), effaced, effacing.
to wipe out; do away with; expunge:
to efface one’s unhappy memories.
to rub out, erase, or obliterate (outlines, traces, inscriptions, etc.).
to make (oneself) inconspicuous; withdraw (oneself) modestly or shyly.
verb (transitive)
to obliterate or make dim: to efface a memory
to make (oneself) inconspicuous or humble through modesty, cowardice, or obsequiousness
to rub out (a line, drawing, etc); erase

late 15c., from Middle French effacer, from Old French esfacier (12c.) “to wipe out, destroy,” literally “to remove the face,” from es- “out” (see ex-) + face “appearance,” from Latin facies “face” (see face (n.)). Related: Effaced; effacing. Cf. deface.

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