
[el oh-beyd] /ˌɛl oʊˈbeɪd/

a city in the central Sudan: Egyptian army defeated by Mahdist forces 1883.
[kawr-doh-fahn] /ˌkɔr doʊˈfɑn/
a province in the central Sudan. About 147,000 sq. mi. (380,730 sq. km).
Capital: El Obeid.
/ɛl əʊˈbeɪd/
a city in the central Sudan, in Kordofan province: scene of the defeat of a British and Egyptian army by the Mahdi (1883). Pop: 423 000 (2005 est)
a region of the central Sudan: consists of a plateau with rugged uplands (the Nuba Mountains). Area: 380 548 sq km (146 930 sq miles)

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