the vote cast in the electoral college of the U.S. by the representatives of each state in a presidential election.
the tally of the number state-appointed party-affiliated electors for the US presidential candidate who has won a majority of the popular vote in that state, e.g. the number of Republican electors is the vote that goes to the Republican candidate when he/she wins the state
Usage Note
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- Electorate
[ih-lek-ter-it] /ɪˈlɛk tər ɪt/ noun 1. the body of persons entitled to vote in an . 2. the dignity or territory of an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. /ɪˈlɛktərɪt/ noun 1. the body of all qualified voters 2. the rank, position, or territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire 3. (Austral & […]
- Electr-
1. variant of before a vowel: electrode.
- Electra
[ih-lek-truh] /ɪˈlɛk trə/ noun 1. Also, Elektra. Classical Mythology. the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra who incited her brother Orestes to kill Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus. 2. Astronomy. one of the six visible stars in the Pleiades. /ɪˈlɛktrə/ noun 1. (Greek myth) the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. She persuaded her brother Orestes to […]
- Electra-complex
noun, Psychoanalysis. 1. the unresolved, unconscious libidinous desire of a daughter for her father: designation based on the Greek myth of Electra and Agamemnon. noun 1. (psychoanal) the sexual attachment of a female child to her father See also penis envy Electra complex E·lec·tra complex (ĭ-lěk’trə) n. In psychoanalytic theory, a daughter’s unconscious libidinal desire […]
- Electra paradox
noun 1. (logic) the supposed paradox that one may know something to be true of an object under one description but not another, as when Electra knew that Orestes was her brother but not that the man before her was her brother although he was Orestes. This shows the predicate “knows” to be intensional, that […]