electroconvulsive e·lec·tro·con·vul·sive (ĭ-lěk’trō-kən-vŭl’sĭv)
Of or relating to a convulsive response to an electrical stimulus.
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[ih-lek-troh-kuh n-vuhl-siv, ih-lek-] /ɪˈlɛk troʊ kənˈvʌl sɪv, ɪˌlɛk-/ noun, Psychiatry. 1. a treatment for serious mental illnesses, as severe depressive disorders, involving the application to the head of electric current in order to induce a seizure: usually administered after sedatives and muscle relaxants. Abbreviation: ECT. /ɪˌlɛktrəʊkənˈvʌlsɪv/ noun 1. (med) the treatment of certain psychotic conditions […]
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[ih-lek-truh-kyoot] /ɪˈlɛk trəˌkyut/ verb (used with object), electrocuted, electrocuting. 1. to kill by electricity. 2. to (a criminal) by electricity, as in an electric chair. /ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjuːt/ verb (transitive) 1. to kill as a result of an electric shock 2. (US) to execute in the electric chair v. “execute by electricity,” 1889, American English, from electro- […]