[ih-lek-trohd] /ɪˈlɛk troʊd/
noun, Electricity.
a conductor, not necessarily metallic, through which a current enters or leaves a nonmetallic medium, as an electrolytic cell, arc generator, vacuum tube, or gaseous discharge tube.
a conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolyte, an electric arc, or an electronic valve or tube
an element in a semiconducting device that emits, collects, or controls the movement of electrons or holes
1834, coined by English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) from electro- + Greek hodos “way” (see cede) on same pattern as anode, cathode.
electrode e·lec·trode (ĭ-lěk’trōd’)
A conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves a substance (or a vacuum) whose electrical characteristics are being measured, used, or manipulated. Electrodes can be used to detect electrical activity such as brain waves. Terminal points in electrical components such as transistors, diodes, and batteries are electrodes.
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noun 1. (chem) the ratio of the amount of metal deposited in an electrolytic cell to that theoretically deposited according to Faraday’s laws
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[ih-lek-troh-di-poz-it] /ɪˌlɛk troʊ dɪˈpɒz ɪt/ Physical Chemistry noun 1. a , usually of metal, produced by electrolysis. verb (used with object) 2. to by electrolysis. /ɪˌlɛktrəʊdɪˈpɒzɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to deposit (a metal) by electrolysis noun 2. the deposit so formed
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[ih-lek-troh-dur-muh l] /ɪˌlɛk troʊˈdɜr məl/ adjective 1. of or relating to electrical properties or electrical activity of the skin, especially with reference to changes in resistance. electrodermal e·lec·tro·der·mal (ĭ-lěk’trō-dûr’məl) adj. Of or relating to the electrical properties of the skin.
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