Electrode efficiency
(chem) the ratio of the amount of metal deposited in an electrolytic cell to that theoretically deposited according to Faraday’s laws
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[ih-lek-troh-di-poz-it] /ɪˌlɛk troʊ dɪˈpɒz ɪt/ Physical Chemistry noun 1. a , usually of metal, produced by electrolysis. verb (used with object) 2. to by electrolysis. /ɪˌlɛktrəʊdɪˈpɒzɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to deposit (a metal) by electrolysis noun 2. the deposit so formed
- Electrode potential
noun 1. (chem) the potential difference developed when an electrode of an element is placed in a solution containing ions of that element
- Electrodermal
[ih-lek-troh-dur-muh l] /ɪˌlɛk troʊˈdɜr məl/ adjective 1. of or relating to electrical properties or electrical activity of the skin, especially with reference to changes in resistance. electrodermal e·lec·tro·der·mal (ĭ-lěk’trō-dûr’məl) adj. Of or relating to the electrical properties of the skin.
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electrodermal audiometry n. A form of electrophysiologic audiometry used to determine hearing thresholds by measuring changes in skin resistance as a conditioned response to noise stimuli.
- Electrodermatome
electrodermatome e·lec·tro·der·ma·tome (ĭ-lěk’trō-dûr’mə-tōm’) n. A dermatome powered by electricity.