
Alexander John (Alexander John Sharpe) 1814–90, English phonetician and mathematician.
(Henry) Havelock
[hav-lok] /ˈhæv lɒk/ (Show IPA), 1859–1939, English psychologist and writer.
an old woman, a personification of old age, who defeated Thor in a wrestling match.
Contemporary Examples

“When the CEO of one of the biggest and most successful affiliates resigns, I hope Nancy Brinker takes note,” Ellis said.
Susan G. Komen Woes Continue as a Key New York Executive Resigns Abigail Pesta March 19, 2012

More stops expected are Ellis Island in New York City and then north to the first primary state of New Hampshire.
Palin Trial Balloon Shushannah Walshe May 29, 2011

Schrader and Ellis pull it off by making their vapidness unsettling.
Is ‘The Canyons’ Really a Disaster? Our Critics Debate Kevin Fallon, Marlow Stern August 1, 2013

Where Palestinian refugees once lived in large concentrations in Syria, now there are “ghost camps,” Ellis said.
In Syria, Palestinian Refugees Made Refugees Again Matt Surrusco October 17, 2013

The congressman was able to ride those credentials to a comfortable 57 percent to 43 percent victory over Ellis.
Tea Party Holds Ground in GOP Primaries Ben Jacobs August 5, 2014

Historical Examples

Ellis stood by listening calmly, but not unmoved, to this cutting speech.
Ernest Bracebridge William H. G. Kingston

The doctor bowed; and the subject of Professor Ellis was immediately dropped.
Ester Ried Yet Speaking Isabella Alden

Jim gulped down more wine, and Ellis ordered a second bottle.
The Barrier Allen French

You know, of course, that it is all right about Professor Ellis;—or no!
Ester Ried Yet Speaking Isabella Alden

Then he explained how the fire-escape only paid Miss Ellis fifty dollars a day, whereas he was making hundreds.
A Man in the Open Roger Pocock

Alexander John. 1814–90, English philologist: made the first systematic survey of the phonology of British dialects
(Henry) Havelock (ˈhævlɒk). 1859–1939, English essayist: author of works on the psychology of sex

Ellis El·lis (ěl’ĭs), (Henry) Havelock. 1859-1939.

British psychologist and writer known for his pioneering works on sexuality, such as Studies in the Psychology of Sex (seven volumes, 1897-1928).

EuLisp LInda System. An object-oriented Linda system written for EuLisp. “Using Object-Oriented Mechanisms to Describe Linda”, P. Broadbery et al, in Linda-Like Systems and Their Implementation, G. Wilson ed, U Edinburgh TR 91-13, 1991.

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