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- Elmc
electrical load management center
- Elmer
[el-mer] /ˈɛl mər/ noun 1. a male given name: from Old English words meaning “noble” and “famous.”.
- Elmer-gantry
[gan-tree] /ˈgæn tri/ noun 1. a novel (1927) by Sinclair Lewis. (1927) A novel by Sinclair Lewis; the title character is a successful preacher in the Midwest. Lewis stresses the importance of insincerity and clever publicity in the rise of Gantry.
- Elm-family
noun 1. the plant family Ulmaceae, typified by deciduous trees having simple and often toothed leaves, small petalless flowers, winged fleshy or nutlike fruit, and watery sap, and including the elm, hackberry, and planer tree.
- Elmhurst
[elm-hurst] /ˈɛlm hɜrst/ noun 1. a city in NE Illinois, W of Chicago.